Working for a healthy Community
Room Hire
Rooms to accommodate between 4 and 100 people.
All in the heart of the Old Town community.
We offer a big range of physical activities, services, support and advice for local people of all ages.
Volunteering is a key part of everything we do. Each person contributes to making our Centre thrive.
Opportunities at the Hub
Brunswick Hub currently has a staff vacancy for an ‘Employment & Digital Support Project Officer’, as well two new vacancies to join it’s Board of Trustees (voluteer role) as well.
Read MoreEaster at the Hub
This year, we are once again running our Easter appeal in the run-up to Easter as well as holding a community Fun Day on Tuesday 15th April.
Read MoreSome Sad News
It is with great sadness that we at Brunswick HUB need to share the news that on Friday 21st February, we lost our much loved long serving caretaker Luis.
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