BHLC is a registered Charity based at Brunswick Hub. Its core ethos and reason for existing is to provide services connected to health and well being.
The vision of BHLC is to see a healthy community fulfilling it potential.
Our mission statement is "to be an organisation that will provide accessible services, choice and opportunities to enable communities to fulfil their potential and improve their health and wellbeing".
Our Team
We have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who work together to offer a wide range of services and activities.
Our Trustees
We currently have 4 Trustees who dedicate their time to the governance and development of BHLC.
Accessibility Statement
Here at BHLC, we pride ourselves on being inclusive and welcoming to all members of our community.
BHLC holds a clear set of values...
Being non judgemental, inclusive, welcoming, open and transparent.
Creating a safe environment, endeavouring to empower the individual, removing barriers and improving access to services.
Valuing and respecting individuals, having commitment to a person's journey (including staff and volunteers) whilst assisting personal development.
Services offered by BHLC...
- Dementia Café and support for carers
- Employment Programme
- Bereavement support
- Health and Wellbeing support
- Chilled Foodbank and related support
- ASD/SEND Support
- Slipper Service
- Hearing Aid Batteries
- Computer access, photocopying and scanning