2023 Christmas Appeal
Last year we were able to help a great number of families that use our chilled foodbank services thanks to the generosity of this in the local and wider community and this year we hope to do the same.
We are once again aiming to help local families that may be struggling this christmas and are appealing for donations of the following:
+ New Teddies/soft toys
+ New gifts (ALL AGES)
+ Advent calendars
+ Christmas selection boxes
+ Christmas food items
(non perishable)
We are also asking if anybody can donate the following, to assist with the fundraising that we will be doing on our annual Turkey Batch Day in December:
+ Pre-loved gifts and toys
+ Items suitable for tombola prizes
Please bring any donations into the Hub before 8th December – We are open Mon-Friday, 9.30-3pm.
If you have any queries,or would like to make a donation but cannot make it during our opening hours, please give us a call on 01926 422123 and we will see how we can help!
If your family would like our support this Christmas, please let us know by November 30th – Contact Sarah on 07444 775949 or email sarah.gutteridge@brunswickhlc.org.uk
Published October 2023