A Very Brunswick Christmas!
Last Thursday, we had our Christmas celebrations here at the Hub and there was plenty of festive spirit to go around! Staff, Volunteers and members of the community gathered for lunch, carols and a chance to chat to old & new friends.
We’d like to say a few “Thank yous” for all those that made it such a lovely day…
Firstly, many thanks to the choir from Shrubland Street School who treated us to a beautiful performance of Christmas carols- they did brilliantly and got everyone in good spirits!
Also, a big thank you to Pauline and her Coffee Shop team for their hard work making sure that everyone got a delicious turkey batch and a mince pie – Yum!
Lastly, thanks to anyone who donated a tombola prize or had a go to try and win one, we raised a great amount of money for our Hardship fund that helps those that may be struggling.
Published December 2018