Christmas Appeal
Every Christmas, we try to help those that need it in any way we can by providing gifts and food to families struggling to make ends meet.
We also raise money at our Christmas event for the Chilled foodbank and Hardship fund that helps hundreds of people throughout the year.
The generosity of the community is invaluable when providing these services and this Christmas we are appealing for donations of the following:
New Toys & Gifts – We offer assistance to families who may need a little help around Christmas and provide them with gifts for the children. New items for all ages all ages of children can be accepted.
Advent calendars & Selection boxes – We will be offering items like these alongside our Emergency Chilled Foodbank scheme.
Nearly-new toys, games, books, etc for children – We will be holding several Nearly-New sales in the run up to Christmas to raise money for the Chilled Foodbank (and allow those on a low budget to pick up some extra stoking fillers)
Tombola prizes & filled mugs – On our annual Christmas event, we will be running our usual festive tombola with a variety of prizes-Any donated items suitable as a tombola prize would be greatly appreciated. This year, we are also holding a ‘Mug tombola’, for which we are appealing for mugs filled with goodies – For more info on the Mug tombola, click here!
Christmas food items & general food/household items – We will be collecting items for Christmas and beyond! If you would like to contribute but aren’t sure what we may need most, we are doing a Reverse Advent Calendar for November (We’re early birds like that!). If you would like to play along throughout the month, you can visit our Facebook page where we will be posting items off our ‘wishlist’ each day until November 24th. Alternatively, if you want to see all the items on the calendar right now(to buy together or even just to choose a handful of items to donate), you can click here.
We are accepting donations of any of the above from 11th November until the week beginning 9th December and they can be dropped in to our reception during our opening hours.
If you think you may need a little help this Christmas, please click here to see more information
Published November 2024