Latest news
Opportunities at the Hub
Brunswick Hub currently has a staff vacancy for an ‘Employment & Digital Support Project Officer’, as well two new vacancies to join it’s Board of Trustees (voluteer role) as well.
Easter at the Hub
This year, we are once again running our Easter appeal in the run-up to Easter as well as holding a community Fun Day on Tuesday 15th April.
Some Sad News
It is with great sadness that we at Brunswick HUB need to share the news that on Friday 21st February, we lost our much loved long serving caretaker Luis.
Latest Newsletter – Jan25
After a being a bit slow in the New Year, the newsletter for this quarter is finally ready to view here!
Christmas Appeal
Every Christmas, we try to help those that need it in any way we can by providing gifts and food to families struggling to make ends meet.
Latest Newsletter – October 2024
The Oct-Dec Newsletter is out now!
Christmas Windows
Every year, we try to bring some festive spirit to the Brunswick Hub windows and this year, we would really love your help!
School Uniform at the Hub
Morrisons Leamington Spa have been kindly collecting uniform donations over the last few months and we are holding a drop in day next Friday where those needing uniform items can come and see if we have what they are looking for.
Latest Newsletter
The latest newsletter is now ready!
Volunteer Week 2024
Last week was Volunteer Week and to celebrate the brilliant work that our Volunteers do, we had a coffee morning to say thank you.