The Hub is reopening!
Brunswick Hub will be reopening from 4th August – 9.30-3.00 – for appointment-based services and reception services only.
BHLC Services that will be available from 4th August:
- Employment club (Appointment only)
- Public computer use (Appointment only)
- Hearing Aid Batteries
- Photocopying/Scanning
- Slipper Service
- One to one Bereavement Support (Appointment only)
- Bereavement Group (Appointment only)
- Social Prescribing – One to one (Appointment only)
In line with current regulations, we ask that you wear a face covering and use our hand sanitiser units on entry to the building.
All service users will be asked to complete a registration form, even if they have previously completed one prior to our closure.
Please give us a call on 01926 422123 to make an appointment, to discuss any concerns or for more information.
We look forward to seeing you soon!