Emergency Chilled foodbank

Brunswick Hub is now able to provide emergency chilled goods to families in need.
For £5, a family will be provided with items such as milk, bread, eggs, butter, cheese and
meat products* to the value of £20.00.
How does it work?
● Families can be referred from any professional agency, such as Health visitors, GPs, Foodbanks, Schools, Citizens Advice, Social Services, etc.
● Self Referral: Families can also refer themselves for this service– subject to a Needs Assessment.
Recipients will need register with Brunswick Hub
Staff will contact families to arrange order, collection and £5 payment.
Call us on 01926 422123 (open 10am-2pm) for more information.
(Please note: This is an emergency food provision for those struggling to make ends meet or in need of crisis support)
*We can cater for faith or dietary needs– Please get in touch to discuss.
Example of items in Chilled Food bag
Free Food Table

We have surplus items from supermarkets and/or local growers kindly donated to us that would otherwise be thrown away. On Thursday and Friday, we have a 'Free Food Table' where those from the community can come and pick up some extra items. The aims is to reduce food waste as well as providing for those who may need it.
The bulk of items are here at the Hub from around 9.00am and due to the numbers that use this service, we operate a queue system. On arrival (Please do not arrive earlier than 9am), you can join the queue and take up to 6 items.
Food Bank Vouchers

Brunswick Hub is an authorised Food Bank Voucher distributor for the Leamington and Warwick Food Bank Network.
If you struggling to afford food, drop in or contact us for a chat about your circumstances and we will see if we can help.

Any donations of dried, tinned and other non-perishable goods for our foodbank are always gratefully received.
Depending on the time of year, we may run appeals for specific items - Details of these will be posted on this site and across her social media.
Allotment Appeal
Click here for more information